
You deserve a government that provides hope, stability and common sense. And, yes — as a result of all that — you deserve a Premier that provides trusted leadership. Two weeks to go! Let’s get out there and build a better future!!!


30 physicians from High River, Danielle Smith’s hometown, signed an open letter on the UCP’s failures to support family doctors in rural Alberta.

This crisis demands action. Today, NDP’s

This crisis demands action. Today, NDP’s @DShepYEG visited High River to share our plan for better health care, across the province.

#ABetterFuture #ableg

Reminder that Danielle Smith’s Deputy Premier, Nathan Neudorf, was caught on video confirming the UCP’s plans to make you pay for healthcare.

His words: “Maybe if someone had to pay for that, they’d think twice about going to the emergency.” This video was shot on May 8th.

#ableg #ucp

What will the UCP do about soaring utility bills?

“The answer is nothing.” That’s what the UCP’s then Associate Minister of Natural Gas and Electricity said. The Alberta NDP have a plan to cap electricity costs and eliminate $180M of debt Danielle Smith piled onto your bills.