A nomination meeting to select the Calgary-North NDP candidate in the next provincial election will be held on Saturday, December 17th.
Voting will take place at the Beddington Theatre Arts Centre, 375 Bermuda Dr. NW, on December 17th from 2:30 pm until 5:30 pm.
There will be an advanced poll at the Panorama Hills Community Centre, 88 Panamount Hill NW, on Wednesday, December 14th, with voting from 6:00 pm until 9:00 pm.
Mail-in-ballots are also available to members eligble to vote who are unable to vote in person. Mail-in-ballots may be requested from Will O’Connor at woconnor@albertandp.ca. All mail-in-ballot requests must be made prior to 5:00 pm on Wednesday, December 7th.
There are currently three eligible candidate for the nomination:
Rajesh Angral
Hassan Bokhari
Moses Mariam
Albertans deserve better leadership from their government. Rachel Notley is building a strong team of local candidates. Together, we can bring positive change to Alberta by working for a diversified economy that lifts everyone up, we can have the backs of frontline healthcare workers, and stop the race to the bottom.
To be eligible to vote in this nomination you must be a member in good standing with Alberta’s NDP. Further, you must have joined Alberta’s NDP or renewed your membership before 11:59 PM on Saturday, December 3rd, 2022, the 14th day prior to the nomination meeting date, and live in the constituency. Memberships can be purchased or renewed at albertandp.ca/join.
Buy your membership today and share this with your friends!
- Saturday December 17th
2:30pm – 5:30pm (Mountain time)
There will be an advanced poll at the Panorama Hills Community Centre, 88 Panamount Hill NW, on Wednesday, December 14th, with voting from 6:00 pm until 9:00 pm. - Will O’Connor